Jennifer Morinigo, Elizabeth S. Scott, Richard Bonnie, Emily Buss, Clare Huntington, Solangel Maldonado and David D. Meyer | October 5, 2018 | Children and the Law
This week, project participants for ALI’s Children and the Law Restatement gather in Philadelphia to discuss Preliminary Draft No. 5, which includes three Sections from Part III. Children in the Justice System: 15.60. Use of Delinquency Finding as a Predicate for...
Jennifer Morinigo, Elizabeth S. Scott, Richard Bonnie, Emily Buss, Clare Huntington and Solangel Maldonado | May 1, 2018 | Children and the Law
Part III of the Children and the Law project deals with juvenile justice doctrine. In this area, modern courts increasingly have focused on differences between juvenile and adult offenders, often invoking research on adolescent development to guide legal...
Elizabeth S. Scott, Richard Bonnie, Emily Buss, Clare Huntington, Solangel Maldonado, David D. Meyer and Jennifer Morinigo | April 20, 2018 | Children and the Law
Two Sections from the 2018 Annual Meeting draft deal with this topic. Black letter for each Section is included below. The full draft contains Comments (with Illustrations) and Reporters’ Notes. Section 2.30, on parental authority and responsibility for medical care,...
Elizabeth S. Scott, Emily Buss and David D. Meyer | March 29, 2018 | Children and the Law
Children and the Law Restatement Reporters Elizabeth Scott, Emily Buss, and David Meyer highlight the ways in which children are different from adults, particularly the heightened vulnerability when in police custody in the video below. Project Feature: Children and...
Elizabeth S. Scott | July 7, 2017 | Children and the Law
A brief historical account may be helpful in understanding the uncertainty and the reasons why a Restatement of Children and the Law would be particularly useful in clarifying legal doctrine and in supporting emerging reform trends. The traditional legal model of...