Children and the Law Posts
Are Children’s Rights Enough?
This Article analyzes case law on custody and family separation from a jurisdiction that uses a strong children’s rights approach, the European Court of Human Rights. These cases provide a valuable comparator by which to test whether children’s rights framing changes the way that courts reason about children.
Building Cross-disciplinary Bridges: Advancing Evidence-Based Legal Protections for Children in Cyberspace
The article identifies a systemic policy failure, where lawmakers have fallen behind the private sector in understanding and incorporating scientific findings on children’s unique attributes, needs and vulnerabilities into policies that regulate these technologies.
Distinguishing Family Poverty from Child Neglect
This Article identifies a range of changes which would improve the legal system’s ability to distinguish poverty from neglect, by both eradicating long-standing legal rules which confuse poverty and neglect, and establishing more radical rules that would reverse the historical division between neglect cases and anti-poverty financial supports.
The Ties that Bind Us: An Empirical, Clinical, and Constitutional Argument Against Terminating Parental Rights
This Article explores the unnecessary termination of a child’s relationship with their parent from an empirical, clinical, and constitutional lens.
Pragmatic Family Law
In many areas, family law has managed to avoid polarization. Instead, states are converging on similar rules and policies, working toward consensus on once-divisive issues. What ties together these widespread but underappreciated patterns of convergence, depolarization, and nonpartisan pluralism? This Article argues that a deep, underlying commonality is a pragmatic method of decision- and policymaking.
Legal Ableism: A Systematic Review of State Termination of Parental Rights Laws
This Article presents findings from a systematic examination of the inclusion of parental disability in state termination of parental rights laws.
2023 Children and the Law Symposium
The University of Chicago Law School is hosting the ‘2023 Law Review Symposium: Children and the Law,’ on the Restatement of the Law, Children and the Law project.
Parenting in a Post-Pandemic World: The Impact of COVID-19 on Custody Disputes
This article examines the impact of COVID-19 on child custody disputes, focusing primarily on child custody modification determinations and the enforcement of visitation rights. It examines how the pandemic influenced the role of the court in interjecting notions of public health concerns when resolving parental disputes.
Constituting and Reconfiguring Families
The chapter explores how courts have addressed complex questions about family relations as emerging technologies and shifting social norms have altered what family structures look like across the globe.
Court of Appeals of Virginia Cites Restatement of the Law, Children and the Law
In Woodson v. Commonwealth, 871 S.E.2d 653 (Va. Ct. App. 2022), the Court of Appeals of Virginia cited Restatement of the Law, Children and the Law § 3.24 (Tentative Draft No. 1, 2018).