Sentencing Posts

Economic Sanctions

The following is excerpted from the Comments of the Proposed Final Draft (PFD). The Black Letter found below is the full black letter from the PFD.

No Second Thoughts about Second Look Sentencing

The MPC’s “second look” proposal and other sentence reduction provisions provide a blueprint for dealing with a problem the Obama Administration has worked hard to resolve over almost three years, with only partial success. That problem is the one reflected in the situation of hundreds – perhaps thousands – of federal prisoners serving lengthy no-parole sentences that would be less severe if imposed today.

Parole-Release Authority

This post on parole release authority shares a study by Reporter Kevin Reitz, which appeared in the 2011 Tentative Draft No. 2, as well as black letter from the most recent draft of the Sentencing project, Council Draft No. 6.

Roundtable Asks “Money or Justice?”

ALI President Designate and Duke Law School Dean David F. Levi recently held a roundtable to address the ongoing impact that court fines and fees, and bail practices have on communities – especially the economically disadvantaged – across the United States.